Kensington Security Camera Program
Kensington Security Camera Program
We are delighted to invite the residents and business owners of Kensington to join hands with the Kensington Police Department in our fight against crime and in the maintenance of a secure community. Your cooperation is crucial in this endeavor, and by registering your personal or business surveillance camera, you can play a pivotal role in deterring crime and contributing to our overall crime prevention strategy. We sincerely urge you to participate in the Kensington Security Camera Program and extend your valuable support to our efforts to safeguard your community. The registration process is hassle-free and swift - join us today!
How does it work?
The Kensington Police Department is committed to our partnership with residents and business owners. Many residents and business owners currently operate surveillance systems at their homes and/or businesses. As crimes occur nearby, they are not always aware that their system may have captured information that could help solve the crime, thus keeping our community safer. In turn, the police are also not always aware who may have this potentially vital information.
The Kensington Police Department is asking residents and businesses around the District to register their privately owned surveillance camera systems. As the Police Department responds to criminal incidents in our community, they may be able to use the information or footage gathered from the security cameras to assist in the apprehension and prosecution of the criminals involved.
What are the benefits of registering your camera?
The Kensington Security Camera Program is designed to assist the police department in identifying nearby cameras that may have recorded criminal activity. Once you register your camera, you will only be contacted by the Kensington Police in case of a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera. If required, the police may request to view your camera footage to aid in their investigation. By joining this program, you can help create a safer environment in Kensington and deter criminals from committing crimes in the area.!
Keep your Town safe!
If your residence or business has a security camera system, you can help the police investigate and solve crimes by registering your camera below: